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Communion and Liberation, in its essence, is a proposal for education in the Catholic faith. Its current name, Communion and Liberation (CL), appeared for the first time in 1969. This name brings together the conviction that the Christian event, lived in communion both with God and the companionship He gives to us, is the foundation of man’s authentic liberation. In explaining how faith could be relevant to life’s needs, the founder of CL, father Giussani, said: “As a result of the education I received at home, my seminary training, and my reflections later in life, I came to believe deeply that only a faith arising from life experience and confirmed by it (and, therefore, relevant to life’s needs) could be sufficiently strong to survive in a world where everything pointed in the opposite direction.”

As Pope John Paul II declared “The experience of faith proposed in Communion and Liberation, generates a new outlook on reality, a responsibility and a creativity that concern every ambit of existence, from work to family relationships, from social commitment to the animation of the cultural and political environment.”” (Letter to Fr Giussani, 2004).
Communion and Liberation is present today in roughly ninety countries on all the inhabited continents, and is guided by Father Julián Carrón, who succeeded Father Giussani after his death in 2005.

No form of membership enrolment is involved, but only the free participation of individual persons. The basic instrument for the formation of those who belong to the Movement is a weekly catechesis which is called the School of Community.

Communion and Liberations helps its members to grow in faith developing the three dimension of the life of a Christian: culture, charity and mission. To find out more and how click the link below.



When and What

School of Community meetings are on Wednesday evening (except school holidays) at 8.00pm in the Resource Centre (back of Holy Cross Church in Eastleigh). We'll have a conversation about a topic circulated via email.  You can join the conversation from 8pm also via ZOOM here.

Other meetings. During the year we have also other meetings and initiatives (family friendly holidays, day trips, retreats). 

If you are interested contact the secretary team (email below) to check our next initiatives.




When and What

School of Community meetings are usually every Thursday evening at 8.00pm in St Edward's cloister.


Other meetings. During the year we have also other meetings and initiatives (family friendly holidays, day trips, retreats). 

If you are interested contact fr Raffaele (email below) to check our next initiatives.


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